Friday, December 10, 2010

Finally................i .......Failed

After all this while keeping the record without failling any subject in my course, finally the day has come. I failed my Cost Control subject with the pointer of only 1.00.Went to college with a smile of confidence,reach the admin office smile with the staff then when its comes to check my result paper, The 1st subject appear on top of the list is Cost Control, and its comes with a special grade "D". Well no 1 to be blammed accept for me who maybe didn't focus enough on that subject. Fell kinda frustrated with that subject. Happy bloddy hell of holiday :-)

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Last day for both operation ~

Last day of operation everyone is doing their best.......

Peak hour~

Mise en Place

special treats by our lecturer for us~

Lecturer in charge

This is what we usually do when things get bored ~


No offense, but the truth is this is the name of mocktail given by restaurant. :-)

Sunday, October 17, 2010

The most problematic neighbor i ever had

Living here for almost 19 years, today i encountered with the most problematic neighbor in my life. Just coming back from my grandparents house. The story is about 1 family who live next to my house who we really don't know what their problem really are with us.

Every time when my parents wanted to drill a hole in our house for installing any new fixture & fittings, sure the neighbor next to us will shout out any harsh word that came into their mind saying that we disturb them sleeping in the middle of the day.

Less than 1 hour after i reached home, i heard a wall knocking sound from the other side of the house and i guess maybe my other neighbor are doing some renovation so i didn't care much about it, out of no where the family who i mentioned that have problem with us shouted again. This time he shouted directly in front of my house calling me "samseng kia" he thought im the 1 who are making all those wall knocking noise.

So i think he's shouting just like going to run amok, i directly call my parents who still at town at the moment ask them what to do. I did plan to lodge a police report since tthe situation was quite serious that time. But still i wait for my parents to reach home to make decision.

After my parents came back they directly went to find that person asking what is the problem actually and why he accused me as samseng? do i look like samseng just because of he misunderstood that i drill or knocking a hole in the middle of his sweet dreams moment?

I really worried that if the person does have mental problem as only that family wasn't friendly with other neighbor.

This is usually what we going to describe this kind of human in chinese " KHONGKHAM"!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Kitchen & Restaurant Operation : 50 % complete

Few pix taken during operation

Guest that coming on that day

Chef of the day

Food tasting

Theme of the day Kedah

Operation hour

Guest & Friends

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

1st Warning then counseling

Early in the morning 9 am directly been warned by lecturer because of my hair color. Fell kinda unsatisfied also at that time because don't know why only me who get caught. How bout the rest? so unfair sometimes after all not just only me who had my hair dyed and the color wasn't too over i guess. dark brown? then being ask to go counseling just because of dying hair and being accompany by my friends who had their own problem too. i mean, does dying hair got anything related to family or personal problem until need to go & see counselor? hehehe....for me i don't mind go to any counseling session its ok because the counselor was a nice in person but the things that making me feels weird is does dying hair really gt related to any problem? its ok if they say its a rule ....then i shall follow the rule but counseling?? hhaha.. i don't think so..... its just like making me feels guilty that i have committed a serious case at college.

now still on the process of dying my hair into black color again using "heena dye" and guess what? the liquid mixture from the "heena" is dropping all over my body...Uhhhhhhhh!!!!! not fair at all!!...better go and do spot check la..... bukan saya sorang saja ma..haiyo.... if its really a rules....then not only me who are breaking the rules and i can follow what being told if its my fault but can they?

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Mooncake Festival @ Carpenter street

Just coming back from carpenter street for the mooncake fest being held there.
Really packed with visitors ranging from all ages.

Entrance to the festival. :-)

Lion dance in front of the arch

Packed with various visitor.

Indian cultural dance at the old courthouse


Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Dr. George Chan released off the balloon as symbolic of opening ceremony

Chinese cultural dancers from China

Malay wedding tradition also being shown to public during the festival

Iban guy with his sape

and we are 1 Malaysia :-)

Friday, September 17, 2010

Grown Ups

Just finished watched Grown Ups which I downloaded in one of the torrents website. Ya i know its released date was almost month ago. Damn have to admit that u will not laughing till the end of the movie & will not have to click the forward button because every scene was damn hilarious!

If i were asked to give a rating of this movies, hmmm....maybe two thumbs up and 20/10 for it.